One month from today may be the last day to register to vote, but if you have not updated your registration by April 11th, there is still hope. Until April 11th, you can register for the first time, change your party affiliation, or simply update your address. The voter registration form must be either post-marked by the 11th, or it may be hand delivered. However, if you miss the registration deadline, you may register during One-Stop Voting (which begins on April 17th) by going to a One-Stop site in your home county, filling out the registration form, and providing proof of residency to the elections official by presenting appropriate identification listing your current name and address. You will only be allowed to vote at the One-Stop site if you register in this manner. You will not be allowed to vote at your polling place on Primary Day, but your vote will be counted if you vote at the One-Stop site. One-Stop voting ends May 3rd. Register and VOTE in the MAY 6th primary.
Announcement of Candidacy
Because of you, I can happily to announce that I was successful in the primary and will continue in the race to be your newest (though not your youngest) Wake County District Court Judge. Without your assistance and energy, I would not have been able to reach the sixty-seven thousand plus voters who trusted me with their votes. I am a Board-certified Family Law Specialist, a DRC-Certified Family Financial Mediator, a Spanish-speaker, and more importantly a member of your community. I look forward to serving you from the District Court bench, so remember to: VOTE NOVEMBER 4th.
Dedicated to Justice
- Experienced and knowledgeable
- Board-certified Family Law Specialist
- DRC-certified Family Financial Mediator
- 1996 Wake Forest Law graduate
- Spanish-speaker
- Frequent CLE speaker and planner
- Courteous and professional